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Latest stories from the road...

  1. From London to Aachen. Five days of sunny cycling.
  2. Aachen to Westerham (Munich). Pannier weight problems!
  3. 3 capitals in 3 days! Following the Danube river.
  4. From Budapest to Sofia in eight days!
  5. Bulgarian Belly and Turkish Delight. From Sofia to Istanbul.
  6. The Istanbul Experience. A great two weeks.
  7. From Çanakkale to Selçuk. Our own bush-tucker's update.
  8. From Selçuk to Göreme. Turkey is getting cold.
  9. Cappadocia. What a great place.
  10. Göreme to Doğubayazıt. The Eastern Turkey Experience.
  11. Hello Meeeester, welcome to Iran! Doğubayazıt to Tehran, Iran.
  12. Tehran to Esfahan. Great cycling country.
  13. Hello Meeeester Part 2. Esfahan to Shiraz.
  14. Troll Life! - Shiraz to Bam, Iran.
  15. Bandit Territory - Bam to Mirjaveh.
  16. Pakistan - Taftan to Lahore.
  17. Wagah to Delhi - First impressions of India.
  18. The final push - Delhi to Kathmandu. The Finish!
  19. New! The Epilogue:Trekking in the Nepali Himalaya.

Also see the Progress Chart Part1 and Part2.

Viewing the video clips:
Windows Media Player Version 6.0 or later is required to play back the video clips (MPEG4 .asf format). We recommend Version 7.1 (7.0 for Mac users, 6.4 for Windows 95 and NT4). You can download Windows Media Player for free here. NOTE: If either sound or video do not play back, open the the video clip while you are connected to the internet for automatic driver downloads.

If you have difficulty playing because of slow download speeds, right-hand click on the link and hit 'Save Target As'. Open the file after it has completely downloaded onto your hard drive.

Listening to the audio files:
RealPlayer 8 is required to listen to the streaming audio clips we have produced - sorry if you have an older version, you'll have to upgrade! If you do not have RealPlayer 8, you can download the basic version for free here. Follow the link for the free version.

Short video clips (also within the stories pages):

  1. Matt's biscuit addiction gone mad!
  2. Cycling along the Albert Kanal, Belgium.
  3. The local band in the Hofbräuhaus, München.
  4. Scooting around Cappadocia.
  5. Matt getting dusty in an Underground city.
  6. Underground city 2.
  7. Juan trying his best.
  8. Part 1 of troll life.
  9. Part 2 of troll life.
  10. Lahore's mad traffic.

Streaming Audio (also within the stories pages):

  1. WARNING - the very dull bells of Bitburg. Update 2.
  2. No sleep for us! Singing outside. Update 11.
  3. Mohammed's traditional Iranian music. Update 11.
  4. Strong clapping echoes in Esfahan. Update 12.
  5. Lahore rickshaw antics by David and Juan. Update 16.